And perform better in school and work. We've all heard the saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and here is the research to back it up... So... having read the article, do you find it is true? Do you eat breakfast and have the same results?
Well .. From personal experince I agree breakfast is an important meal but the bmi break down is a little more complex than what is spoken about in the article. I stop eatting breakfast since 2006 after gaining over 300lbs. I tip the scale at 460 plus and yes i was obese. but today i meet the BMI and still dont eat breakfast as in a meal. I do drink water thou. The body is Like a giant chemical lab. Substances enter the body and then chemical changes begin. each result is simular but are different cause peoples health and medication. Some foods like alomonds and chocolate help burn calories faster.
I find the test results in the article to apply to my life as well. I eat breakfast every morning, usually a granola bar of some sort (I try to find the healthiest possible: high fiber, low sugar) or more occasionally a quickbread (a scone, most likely). My caffeine addiction aside, eating breakfast wakes me up. If I skip it, I find myself moving more slowly throughout the morning, and I am generally less productive. Additionally, like the results found in several of the studies mentioned in the article, I make better decisions when choosing my meals later in the day. I eat less sugar and fat, and crave less starch. The article also states that eating breakfast jump starts our metabolism, which I also find to be true, except I disagree when it says that we are less hungry; contrarily, I find myself more hungry by lunch time because my metabolism has started than on days when I skip breakfast. However, like stated in the article, I still make better choices at those meals. If I skip, I end up eating a huge meal and then find myself lethargic afterwards because of the likely high sugar and fat content of the meal, since I was craving energy. I eat more balanced meals, and am also able to eat more throughout the day when I eat a good breakfast while maintaining a healthy weight, or sometimes I even lose weight, though I'm consuming more calories.
ReplyDeleteBreakfast is undeniably the most important meal of the day. Without it the body runs on fuel reserves, breaking down sugars and muscle protiens in order to make up for that space. Without breakfast your body begins to continuously tell you that it needs nourishment and even after providing it because it did not have that initial filling at the beginning of the day. The body continuously demands more, even more than it really needs, to not only make up for what you may have missed, but also to replace what the body had to burn in order to keep you functioning properly.
ReplyDeleteFlorian Hinterberger
Breakfast has always been and will always be the most important meal of the day, in all cultures and cuisines there is a specific different meal for breakfast.The research is quite relevant to my observations of consuming or skipping breakfast. The day I skip breakfast I feel lazy and sleepy throughout the day.Overnight the body is denied food and water for 6-8 hours so it is obvious that it is running out of energy. Having breakfast really makes one feel energetic and fresh in the morning and I am really able to concentrate well in class or at work. However I do not believe that having breakfast will help you loose weight, having bacon or sausages is never going to help you loose weight but a good breakfast is certainly important for having a good day ahead.
ReplyDeleteLokesh Vale(691121)
I totally agree with these studies. I have noticed more energy in the mornings depending on what type of breakfast I eat. Usually if i eat light foods in the morning i feel more alert compared to if i just slammed down a pile of greasy bacon and meats which seems to make me even more tired and weighed down. I dont think you can just rely on breakfast to help you control weight gain though, there needs to be physical activity as well to keep the energy burning fat. More obese people today i think are just not as athletic or motivated to get up and go when you can do things from your couch.
ReplyDeleteSo after serving in the military for 10 years I agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If it is weight loss that you are trying to achieve then you should make sure to eat a HEALTHY breakfast and not so much a HEARTY one. As stated by one of the prior bloggers, without breakfast your body doesn't have the energy it needs to perform at peak throughout the day. So therefore it does start to consume muscle proteins and sugars that the body wants. I personally am not a huge breakfast eater at this time in my life, and mainly due to my inactivity. When I was active daily I found that if I didn't have breakfast I was dragging by lunch time which was not a good thing at all. Each person's body might handle it differently, but on a whole to have the energy you need, as well as staying balanced, breasfast is essential.
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of the comments above, breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day. I find I feel healthier, smarter, quicker, and more energetic when I eat breakfast, even if it is just something small. If I wait until lunch I get so hungry that I overeat at lunch and subsequently at dinner to try and make up for it. I am glad to see the study to prove this is a true fact because my body definitely agrees.
ReplyDeleteRachel 4pm class
Oh most definitely. When I worked on ranch we'd get up early to work and unless you had that big breakfast in the morning there was no way you'd make it through the day. Even now unless grab breakfast from the hall in the morning, I feel junky all day. Gotta have fuel in the engine to start
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that eating breakfast is really that big of a deal, half the days of the week I'm not even up early enough to eat it. I might not be "in shape" but i can't say that is because i dont eat in the morning, I just hate to exercise. On the other hand my fiance was told by her doctor that she should eat breakfast every morning inorder lose weight in a healthier way. Also the article never mentioned what to eat for breakfast, they have breakfast sandwhiches now that have more the 40% of your daily fat requirements, and all the types of ceral loaded with sugar, it can turn out to be just as bad for you as eating a greesey hamburger. I guess its all just up to the type of person you are.
I definitely agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. All through high school, i skipped breakfast almost every morning, and started to slowly gain a little bit of weight. I later, during my senior year, got personal training from my gym. One of the first things she asked about my diet was what do I have for breakfast; my answer: I don't eat it. She said that was one of the most important steps to weight loss and maintaining healthy weight. She than explained that when you skip breakfast, whether its because you slept past it or just skipped it, your body goes into 'starvation' mode. So, as you eat later on in the day, your body, rather than using what you consume as energy, stores what you consume as fat. It also does affect how I do and what I do throughout my day as well. So I agree with that too. When I skip breakfast, I feel slower, and not so energetic as I could or I tend to zone out a lot in classes; when I have breakfast, I seem more productive and seem to be able to stay alert and awake and pay attention much better. So yes, I do agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
I actually agree with this article because I believe that eating breakfast helps me to fuction well and start a better day. When I skip my breakfast I tend to feel more less active and slow in thinking. Also I experienced that when I skip my breakfast I tend to over eat lunch and over eating is bad for our body and daily diet. It is important to eat breakfast everyday.
I agree with what everyone else has been saying, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Before I started school at the CIA I never really ate breakfast but when I came here I realized that I had to in order to perfom the best I could.I find I feel healthier, faster, more efficient and more energetic when I eat breakfast, even if it is just something small.