Perhaps you remember me mentioning my professor who made cheese from his wife's breast milk. Apparently, a chef had the same idea. Here is the complete article. My question to you: why do we find milk from a cow acceptable (well, most of us do) but not from a human? And why does it seem that only male [professors and chefs] are the ones making these products and not women themselves?
Although I hate to ever agree with PETA, I have to on this one subject, however, only to a certain degree. I don't think that a national producer of icecream needs to come out with an icecream, or rather have all their icecreams made from breast milk. However I do have to agree with the advantages of breast milk. We as humans do not convert all the caliucm and other nutrion from cow milk, as we can from breast milk. Although it may sound taboo, breast milk might actually be the right way to go for humans. If a person wants to make cheese out of breast milk and sell it to the public, as long as he/she put it on the discription, I see no reason to be against it.
ReplyDeleteJohn Sisto
The idea of using human breast milk in commercial products is revolting to me on so many levels. I cannot even begin to fathom how anybody could regulate such a practice, with our lifestyles and diets, not to mention the fact that we can easily lie about them. We can completely control and monitor cows, so at least, if I buy from a reputable producer, I know what I'm getting. PETA is out of it's mind. I have no idea what some random milk donator does in her spare time, and I don't want to. I'm not going to take that kind of chance. -Simon Tan
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't exactly classify this as a preference for me. Nor would i say it is an aversion, fear or taboo. I would certainly be interested in trying ice cream or cheese from human milk. Although, the participant in which that is supplying the milk must have health standards/laws to abide by like no diseases;in good health. I would not like milk from someone who eats lots of spicy foods because maybe that could reflect the taste of the product.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that only males seem to be the ones making these products is on the fence. Could be marketing, could be purely interest, but on any note it is very creative/innovative.
As a woman the idea of having a large-scale company like Ben and Jerry's producing ice-cream from breast milk is horrifying. Perhaps my imagination is running away with me, but images of women lined up like cows to be pumped comes to mind. The entire business would eventually come to prey on poor, lower class women who have little alternative, or be outsourced to third world countries to give wages to women who should be being educated. Breastfeeding is a very personal thing between a mother and a child--not something to be capitalized upon. I am more for the rights of women in this situation than the rights of cows. If someone is willing to give it a try at home, it turns into more of just an aversion to me. I would not necessarily want to ever partake in breast milk ice-cream, no matter the nutritional value...I can always take vitamin supplements for whatever I am not getting out of cow's milk.
ReplyDeletepersonally me i would never buy an ice cream made out of someones breast because what if the person has any type of disease. Second point is that i dont want to be taking milk from somebody unknown. At least from a cow i know it has been processed and it is from a known supplier.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of us accept drinking cow's milk because cows are placed on a different, and if anything, inferior level than humans.We consider them inferior - whether we want to accept it or not - in the sense that we end up having all power to do what we want to do with the cows. That does not necessarily mean exploitation - I'm guessing that there are many farmers who try to provide the cows with utmost care and respect that they can give - but I still think the cow is "inferior" in the sense that the cow doesn't have the power to subjugate us to anything. We respect as much as possible but we do end up eating the meat and milk their breasts. Maybe the exception is when religion comes into play, when cows are really respected.
In my opinion, the reason why a lot of us may feel aversive about eating ice cream made of human breast milk is because it comes from human, creature of similar "level" of superiority. If it were true that it is only males that are making these ice creams, it is maybe because women take their breast milk much more personally than men (except my guess is that most men still would not feel as comfortable - imagine his wife/gf's breast milk turning into ice cream and then being sold...). I personally would try if I have the opportunity, but can't deny the weird, uncomfortable feeling imagining it.
I think the reason cows milk is much more acceptable over human milk products is because there is no taboo associated with cows milk. It has been a sought after for around 5000 years! The idea of consuming a human or human products for a lot of people myself included is viewed as a taboo.
ReplyDeleteWhat Dan said about requiring a human to be in good health is a factor that is typically not an issue with cow milk products since they are raised and bred to produce high quality milk. Are we really going to start raising and breeding humans so that they produce high quality, disease free milk?
Definitely I would not eat ice cream made out of breast milk. I dont believe it is an aversion, preference, fear nor taboo, but the simple fact that is wrong. When I think of it, I think of exploiting women. It is also kind of impossible to try to imagine it since the only way they could abstract breast milk out of a woman would be only if the woman is pregnant, which in that case is cruel. It is cruel because it would be like cheating nature. The purpose of a woman in lactating is to produce and pass on to the child all the nutrients she or he needs. However, when you think of it as mass producing it to make ice cream is not acceptable. There are other ways in which people could get nutrients that they naturally lack.
ReplyDeleteI dont think eating icecream out of breast milk is that big of a deal. Milk is a natural indgedient no matter where it comes from. I dont think it is wrong but I also dont think any women would allow themselfs to be injected with hormones and then milked. It would be very interesting to see on a menu and the reaction from the community.....
ReplyDeleteSome of us have already had Brest milk when we were young. We are also the only animals that take the milk of another kind, than make it suitable for our needs. I think this could have a cult following made up of all kinds. Perhaps a more natural and eco friendly option is coconut milk ice cream? No hormones, bovine flatulence, factory farming and a great tasting end product one can feel good about. However should breast milk ice cream show up in the mega mart; I suggest trying it twice. You just might like it.
ReplyDeleteLike Simon said, There is no way that you would have a Human Breast Milking operation. You would not be able to control the nutritional intake of the female to regulate quality control measures. Women also would eventually run out of milk to produce. It's not like this would become a career minded position of Breast Milk donator. Even if we could produce enough breast milk to start an ice cream product, wouldn't it be more socially responsible to give this extra nutritional beverage to under nutritioned children rather that make a profit on some novelty. Its one thing to experiment at your house, but on an industrial level seems a little unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteJustin Pillion
I think most people, not all but most people tend to stick with what they know and love. Humans have been using cows milk for hundrerds of years. I'm sure there was quite a stir up when sheep's and goat's milk was introduced only because people didn't know what it was and have a fear of the change. Breast milk, if anything, has a higher fat content than regular whole milk.. when making ice creams, the fat is where the flavor and smooth mouthfeel comes from. I would definantly try Breastmilk ice cream not only to say I tasted it but also to get my creative neurons buzzing about thinking what else we could use the breat milk in, besides ice cream.