The Food and Water Watch has made a great map, showing where the concentration of meat & dairy production takes place in the United States. Check out the map -- and consider, why might this be problematic?
Not to mix politics with food (!), but here is a video with John Steward on The Daily Show with a monologue on eating pizza in NYC. Who decides what is good food or bad food? How do you define "authenticity"? Who decides what is "authentic"?
Freegans and hard-core recycling have to go one step further. There is now a group of scientists in Japan who have found a way to extract proteins in human excrement into a new a new mix, which also includes soy protein. Here is a video and here is an article (kindly given to me by John S!). So, is this a good way to recycle and to feed the world? Why or why not? Does it challenge your food taboos?